Fire Suppression System-NOVEC-1230

Slnortx 1230 reacts rapidly with superior extinguishing properties – protecting valuable assets and ensuring extinguishing without negative impact on the advanced extinguishing solution sinorixTM 1230 is an excellent solution for the protection of high-value assets, business process and people. It is based on the environmentally friendly extinguishing agent 3MTM NovecTM 1230 Fire protection Fluid. The high-pressure technology from Siemens allows highest design flexibility and the realization single-sector and multi-sector systems. Enabling rapid, safe and automated inter-ventions, Sinorix 1230 can prevent loss of data and secure business continuity.

Sinorix 1230 is an effective and clean extinguishing solution that is ideally suited to extinguish smoldering fires. It causes neither damage to nor leaves any residue on sensitive equipment. This makes it the perfect choice for eliminating electrical and electronic risks.

  • Sinorix 1230 – typical applications
  • Data centers and server rooms
  • Telecommunication systems
  • Electrical switching rooms
  • Store rooms
  • Military deports
  • Clean rooms


Fast, highly effective and economical

The high efficiency of the Sinorix 1230 system allows using a low extinguishing concentration. Novec 1230 fluid even offers the lowest extinguishing concentration of all currently authorized extinguishing agents.

Therefore, compact system designs are possible and less space is needed for installation and cylinder storage.